Project 18 Team Swiss Bag
I'm really starting to get addicted to felting, it's so fun not knowing what is going to come out of the washing machine. With this bag, I did dk weight with 6mm needles and did the pocket front patch and the icord handle separately, but felted them all the same time. After a few goes I was happy with the felting, which was nearly half the size I started. I sewed on the Swiss patch and pushed through holes to thread the handle through which I then sewed the ends together. For those not up to date with twilight, the Swiss flag refers to the main character being in love with sworn enemies, a vampire and a werewolf. A chapter in Eclipse is called "Switzerland" where she announces to both of them, that whatever their conflict she is staying neutral because she is not taking sides in the age old war.

Another project which I am not actually counting in my 52 in 52 attempt is some stitch markers I made. They too are representative of a component of the Twilight saga; the crystal hearts stand for the vampires stone hearts and the each marker stands for a different member of the Cullen family - hey I did say I was obsessed :)

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